Parent and Family Involvement and Student Success
Achievement• When parents are involved, students achieve more, regardless of socioeconomic status,ethnic/racial background, or the parents’ education level.
• The more extensive the parent involvement, the higher the student achievement.
• When parents are involved in their students’ education, those students have higher gradesand test scores, better attendance, and more consistently completed homework.
• If parents do not participate in school events, develop a working relationship with their children’seducators, or keep up with what is happening in their children’s school, then their childrenare more likely to fall behind in academic performance.
• When parents are involved, students exhibit more positive attitudes and motivation towardschool and have a more positive self-concept.
• Students whose parents are involved in their education experience show improved behaviorand have lower rates of suspension for disciplinary reasons.
•Students whose parents are involved in their education experience improved communicationwith their teachers and family.
How Parent and Family Involvement Benefits Teachers, Principals, and Schools
Benefits for Teachers and Principals
• Teachers and principals experience improvements in self-esteem and a higher morale.
• Teachers and principals feel more respect for their profession.
• Job satisfaction increases among teachers and principals.
• Consistent parent involvement improves communication and relations among parents,teachers, and administrators.
• Teachers and administrators experience improvements in community support of schools.
Benefits for School Quality
• Schools have more support from families and better reputations in the community.
• School programs that involve parents outperform identical programs without parent andfamily involvement.
• Schools where children are failing improve dramatically when parents are enabled to becomeeffective partners in their children’s education.
• The schools’ practices to inform and involve parents are stronger determinants of whetherinner-city parents will be involved with their children’s education than parent education,family size, marital status, and even student grade level.